
Featured MX5 Miata!

Karrie Schlegel

Congratulations to Karrie on her selection as our Featured MX5 Miata!

Cliff jumping, frog gigging, attending a drag show, participating in a tantric drum ceremony, and riding 1500 miles on a motorcycle. The bike trip inspired me so much that I took a class and procured my own endorsement and rent motorcycles whenever time allows. These are a few of the new and adventurous activities I’ve rewarded myself with since raising two fine boys and starting a new phase of life! But, my Miata reward has much deeper roots...

As the popcorn girl at a local one-screen movie theater, I saw her parked across the street and she became a life-long goal. When asked, “What’s the first thing you’d buy if you win the lottery? (I never play the lottery) My answer has been consistent for 35 years. “I want a green Miata with brown leather interior.”

Oh, I did the first-car beater, the gas-saving compact, the short-lived totaled vehicle, the dreaded mini- van for taxiing the kiddos, and the functional Element for hauling house-cleaning supplies. I worked three jobs at a time to give the boys what they needed to play travel sports and put food on the table. Like many moms, wives, and teachers I always put the needs of others first.

‘Roo’ is all for Me! She’s a 2022 MX5 with rich terra cotta interior. I had her wrapped in Matte Pine Green Metallic to complete the dream. The boys are out of the house and my 6’5” husband couldn’t drive her if I let him. I get a thrill waving to other Miata’s on the road and being part of “the club”.

Our adventures have barely begun, as I just got her in February. A trip to Michigan with a girlfriend and various other ‘country jaunts’ flying solo...I find myself taking the winding road to my destinations because I just love to drive her. I even take the round-a-bouts to work, the longer route. I find I’m a bit giddy and it’s like getting my license for the first time all over again! Only this time I know how to not roll backwards on the hill- thanks, dad.

The Indy Miata Club immediately embraced me into the family and opened the door to Miata owners world-wide through Social Media.

I’m not a gearhead or a ‘Car Girl’ by any stretch, but something tells me if you checked back in a few years, my story will still be evolving and that title may fit. I’m a big believer in the energy we put out is the energy we attract...cheers to all the new friends who will look at “Roo” and smile....those who will just “get it” and even more cheers to all the new friends she will lead me to meet.



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